ينظف كس أمه - برازرس محارم مترجم
المدة: 34:03
مشاهدات: 2 878 648
تم النشر: 6 سنوات مضى
ينظف كس أمه - برازرس محارم مترجم
ينظف كس أمه - برازرس محارم مترجم
كل ما أرادته ألأم هو أن يعم ألهدوء ألمكان بعد ألظهر فهي ترغب أن تنهي عملها بهدوء
و ربما تأخذ قيلولة لكن أبنها ألمحب للموسيقى لايدعها تنعم بالهدوء فهو يحب ألأستماع ألى ألموسيقى ألصاخبة
و يعزف على كيتاره ألكهربائي, تحاول أن تتحدث معه لكنه يتجاهلها و لايفتح ألباب لها فتقتحم عليه
و تكسر باب غرفته بضربة واحدة يتجمد زاندر بمكانه وهو ينضر أليها تدمر مكبرات ألصوت ألخاصه به
لكي لا يستمع ألى ألموسيقى بعد ألأن, يريد زاندر ألأنتقام منها فيتجسس عليها و هي تستحم لكن أنتقامه
لم يتكلل بالنجاح فتمسك به و تطارده و ألى ألمطبخ و تجعله يدفع ثمن فعلته بغسل ألأواني,
لكن وجود ألأم عاريه أمامه بجسمها ألمثير جعل هذا زبه ألكبير ينتصب....
.تقوم ألأم بالامساك بزبه و تمصه ثم تجعله ينيكها ويعد لها ألعشاء لاحقاً
«اي وحدة مشتهية بلبنان تحكيني انستا al_aliii1w2»
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مر سامر»
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The torment of women on the day of resurrection
About Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib for Peace
He said: Fatima and I entered on the Messenger of Allah.
I found him crying so hard.
I said, "What is your father and mother, Messenger of God?"
He said: O Ali, the night of my captives to heaven, I saw women of my nation in great agony, and I mentioned them when I saw the severity of their suffering.
• I saw a woman hanging with her hair boiling the blood of her head
• I saw a woman hanging with her tongue and intimate lying in her throat
• I saw a woman hanging in her chest
And I saw a woman eat her flesh and the fire was burning from under neath her.
• I saw a woman who had her legs to her hand and was touched by life and scorpions
• I saw a blind woman in a coffin from the fire that would take the brain of her head out of her thighs and body. It's cut off from the body and the bolt.
• I saw a woman hanging with her legs in the fire
• I saw a woman cut off the flesh of her body in front and back with a fire
• I saw a woman burn her face and hand eating her
• A woman saw a pig's head with a donkey's head on her body with 1,000 colors on her body
• I saw a woman in the picture of the dog and the fire enter her body and come out of her mouth and the angels hit her on the head
And her body with clips of fire
Fatima said:
• The one with her hair was not covering her hair from men
• The hanging one with her tongue was hurting her husband
• As for the one with the chest, she was refraining from her husband's bed.
• As for the outstanding man with her leg, she was leaving her home without her husband's permission.
>, the one who eats the flesh of her body, adorns her body for people.
• As for the one who pulled her legs to her hand and was highlighted by the life and hands, she was a little ablution, salivating, and she was not washing from the side and the saper, and she was not cleaning, and she was insulting to pray.
• As for the deaf and mute, she gave birth to adultery, which she attached to her husband's neck.
• The one who used to lend her meat to the rodent was ill-heard and working
• But the head of a pig's head and the body of a donkey were a growth and a liar
• As for the one in the picture of the dog and the fire entering from her stomach and coming out of her mouth, she was a loud one (screaming at the dead)
Then he said, "May God bless him and a woman who angered her husband and to a woman who was satisfied by her husband."